crown shyness [c]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
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5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
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illeana reyes
crown shyness [c]
POSTED ON Apr 30, 2020 20:36:46 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","illie b"]the outline of evergrande comes into view and with it comes apprehension. is this okay to do? she hadn't given it much thought before taking to the skies and while the flight has been relatively short, it's given her the chance to actually consider what she's doing. was it right to come here and knock on the commissioner's door? introduce herself on a simple whim? her hands clench at stilio's scales a little tighter and beneath her, the charizard rumbles something like concern. her knuckles are white from tension and she's filled with so much uncertainty it could suffocate her.

ah, but the league had believed in her enough to promote her into a new position. head scientist. her, an actual scientist and not just a girl in a lab with a head full of silly ideas. it's dizzying to think about... although, that might also be due to her inexperience in flying. after being shown the wonders of the sky, she's been trying to recreate that feeling again. it seems that her company had something to do with it, however. it's not the same. still incredible but different all at once. odd.

stilio begins to descend as the city grows closer and the ground rushes to meet them. it's a soft landing, gentle and even practiced despite her charizard still being a bit new to the perks that come with evolution. they're learning together, pokemon and trainer uncovering new things from cells undergoing change. if he could evolve so easily, changing the structure of his genetic code and breaking through the boundaries, perhaps so could she.

she climbs from his back with the awkwardness of a child, uncertain and terrified of her surroundings. stilio had landed as close as possible to the address she had been given but with the structure looming over her, it seems so much larger now than it had in the air. nerves eat at her insides and she's taking wobbly steps toward the door. "hello?" comes paired with a gentle knock. "i'm, um, looking for the commissioner?" heat radiates in her cheeks and she stops herself short of allowing herself to ramble. this is so embarrassing. does everyone do this? or is it just her and she's making a fool out of herself before even fully being in the position? oh god.


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the good commissioner
lilycove city
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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dahlia goode DOLLARS
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dahlia goode
crown shyness [c]
POSTED ON Apr 30, 2020 23:27:13 GMT
dahlia goode Avatar
 it's easier to open the door now. the plaster of time shifts the public eye to other extravagances. data breaches, video games, and pokemon contests. despite quiet calamities occuring in the dark, at least she is able to afford some shade for herself, for the heat of a spotlight washes out the color of any living thing it finds itself on.

she opens the door, legs parting as a stoutland tucks itself between her legs like a thick mop. "found me! ms. reyes, right?"

dahlia laughs leaning down to push her dog backwards. they shuffle backwards like performers on stilts.

"oh!" she blinks, every pulse of her lens bringing the other's beauty into further focus. "young blood! good! that's what we want."

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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
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illeana reyes
crown shyness [c]
POSTED ON May 1, 2020 4:44:07 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","illie b"]truthfully, she didn't know what to expect when the door creaked open but... it hadn't been such warmth? that and her last name already on the tip of the commissioner's tongue. it brings about a sense of accomplishment and with that also comes mild embarrassment. her cheeks flush and she's scrambling to bow slightly at the waist. "yes," she squeaks before righting herself and attempting to reel in whatever composure she might have. "that's me! um, you could call me illeana if you'd prefer." an awkward laugh escapes and she's raising a hand to fiddle with her hair. the use of her last name has always tended to remind her of her mother. a terrifying woman with a strict, rigid composure. the younger reyes is the polar opposite, all soft and fluffy with too many smiles.

her eyes drift toward the stoutland between dahlia's legs and she's flashing a smile as together, the duo peddle backwards a bit. behind her, stilio offers a soft puff of hot air in greeting. and then, the blonde is blinking at her and she's fidgeting further. her hand tucks and untucks the same strand of hair behind her ear several times as dahlia speaks. the rosy hue of her cheeks deepens while her eyes dart toward her feet on the ground and then back up. it's funny, she's never been called young blood before. is it wrong to assume that it's a compliment? a soft smile curls at her lips after a moment and she's trying to stifle a light giggle. "really? is young blood less common nowadays?" she inquires. mild curiosity rises at the mention of what they want and it takes everything in her to not hound the commissioner with question after question about just exactly what they were looking for when accepting applications for this position.

and then, the last question that comes to mind is simple. is she what they were looking for?

"oh, um," she fumbles over the words as they leave her mouth and it dawns of her that she's not supposed to sound like a schoolgirl when talking to her boss. habits are hard to break, however, and her nerves will always continue to get the best of her. "thank you, again, for this opportunity." and then, she backtracks and her hand stills with one last tuck of her hair. "i'm sorry for showing up like this! i hope i'm not pulling you away from anything."


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the good commissioner
lilycove city
league commissioner
5'9" height
5'9" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
631 posts
dahlia goode DOLLARS
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dahlia goode
crown shyness [c]
POSTED ON May 2, 2020 0:06:08 GMT
dahlia goode Avatar
 "more common, it seems." dahlia pats her stoutland's back down before slapping its rear fondly so that it moseys away.

tucking a blond ring of hair behind her ear, the commissioner recomposes herself. her small smile, perhaps practiced or dealt delicate by her innate nature, freshens her face.

"nothing wrong with that, however."

dahlia leans in to close the door behind illeana before dismissing illeana's concerns with the fan of her hand.

"this is the most important engagement of the day, illeana. don't apologize, don't thank me... we're colleagues now."

dahlia begins to walk, guides the scientist with her steps rather than her words.

"we can go to the backyard so that your charizard can spread its wings."

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played by


illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
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illeana reyes
crown shyness [c]
POSTED ON May 2, 2020 22:00:09 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","illie b"]her lips curl to mirror the smile, birds of a feather flocking together in ever grande. "ah," she hums and her gaze drops to the stoutland, to the display of affection ending with a gentle tap on the rear. "i suppose it's easy to forget ages sometimes, what with everything going on." there's a somber note in her tone that dissipates a moment later, as if it hadn't been meant for lacing between syllables. and then, she's flushing and there's a click of the door, a turn of a lock, and they're moving. stilio follows close at her heels, mindful of his tail. surprising, really, given how half of the fuzzy blankets in her apartment had been reduced to ash by an overly affectionate charmander. things change, as do pokemon and people. at least they won't burn down the commissioner's place, right?

"right," the flush deepens but the hesitations ease with the wave of a hand and she's smiling a little wider now. "colleagues! it'll take some getting used to, i'm sure." a giggle follows, mingling between the sound of heels clicking against tiles and the slight crackle of fire.

her eyes roam the hall as they walk, absorbing everything around them like a sponge. they dart back over her shoulder every now and then, drawn toward her charizard and the way his wings half furl around him. he's cautious, considerate, somehow on his best behavior. "he'd love that," she chirps. fondness seeps in her words, her body language, her eyes. "thank you." another note of gratification, another habit not yet broken by the notion that they're coworkers.

and then, she's attempting to fill the spaces between with small talk, her hand resuming its endeavor of fiddling with the hair at her ear. "this is a lovely place you have," she murmurs. dark eyes roam momentarily before returning and holding firm, shying away from exploring the nooks and crannies at her fingertips. "have you always resided in ever grande?" it's probably prying but curiosity is normal for a scientist and she ignores the small acknowledgement that she shouldn't overstep, shouldn't ask too much. instead, she pairs her words with a friendly smile, gentleness pooling at her outlines of her teeth.


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the good commissioner
lilycove city
league commissioner
5'9" height
5'9" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
631 posts
dahlia goode DOLLARS
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dahlia goode
crown shyness [c]
POSTED ON May 4, 2020 7:21:49 GMT
dahlia goode Avatar
 "i appreciate it!" dahlia rests her the curve of her hand against the kalosian patio door while the other grasps the golden handle. "but my design sensibilities only go so far—so i just hire designers."

she opens the white door to the gardenscape. the thin curtains court the winds as she beckons for illeana in the sunlight.

"not always. i moved here once i became commissioner."

several patio chairs and tables rest on a raised deck that looks across a wide, vibrant lawn. her stoutland senses the expanded space, and comes rushing through the patio doors to bathe in the sun.

"but how about you? snowpoint city. coming to tropical place like hoenn might as well be a vacation." she settles on a webbed lawn chair.

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played by


illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
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illeana reyes
crown shyness [c]
POSTED ON May 5, 2020 2:18:01 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","illie b"]dark eyes roam once more just before settling on dahlia's face. sunlight streams in from outside and gives golden hair an almost ethereal glow and perhaps surrounded by the elegance of the hall, she could almost be divine. the door to the patio opens as illeana offers a soft giggle, mild amusement crinkling the corners of her eyes. "nothing wrong with that," she murmurs. "it's always so surprising to see how much talent designers have for building upon your preferences." really, how do they always manage to know just what you have in mind for a room? it's impressive, something she knows she could never do.

the scientist follows like a moth drawn to a flame, slinking into the sunlight. the warmth is refreshing against her skin and it seems as though the commissioner's stoutland would agree as the canine rushes to join them. a smile graces her features at the sight before she's glancing away toward a sea of green grass. "has the city been treating you well so far?" her attention shifts back toward dahlia while stilio takes the opportunity to join her stoutland in basking beneath the sunlight, a content rumble escaping the charizard as he settles with outstretched wings.

conversation shifts toward her and she's flushing slight beneath the attention. "oh, i wouldn't call it a vacation," she laughs, settling into the chair opposite of her company. there's a slight distant look in her eyes, a brief moment of recollection before a sigh escapes and she's offering a sheepish smile. "it's certainly nice and warm but i definitely miss the snow." hoenn's winter had provided some ease for homesickness but once it retreated into the beginnings of spring, the longing for colder weather and snow-capped trees became agonizing. perhaps eventually she'll return to the snowflake city but for now, hoenn is home and she's slowly coming to terms with the roots she has planted here. "lilycove is quite a different change of pace than snowpoint," she comments and another giggle follows. between the size, the buildings, and the population, it practically feels like another world. "there's a lot more people than i originally believed a city could have!"


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the good commissioner
lilycove city
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5'9" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
631 posts
dahlia goode DOLLARS
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dahlia goode
crown shyness [c]
POSTED ON May 6, 2020 23:15:48 GMT
dahlia goode Avatar
 "evergrande has!" dahlia crosses her legs, the beige slipper on her foot dangling loose. "but there isn't much to do here."

the wind blows. wiggling its snout, the stoutland squints as its cream fur streams backward.

"well, i'm glad to hear that, illeana." dahlia says. "because with this new position, i can't imagine how busy you are... or will become."

as the breeze fades, dahlia rests her elbow on the peak of her knee. her fingers curl in toward her palm as she leans forth to tighten her gaze.

"what do you hope to achieve as head scientist of hoenn?"

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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
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illeana reyes
crown shyness [c]
POSTED ON May 7, 2020 18:22:39 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","illie b"]there's a hum of acknowledgement that rises with dahlia's words. compared to the rest of the cities within the region, ever grande seems quieter. peaceful, even. one could almost call it a vacation spot but it houses more than lush greenery and a rushing waterfall. it holds dreams and success, accomplishments waiting at the very end of the road where the league looms over the city. perhaps it's not surprising that the city doesn't have much to do but... something tells her the commissioner never truly gets a moment of peace.

stilio puffs hot air through his nostrils, slight tendrils of smoke drifting away in the breeze. he settles further into the patio with a light plop of his tail. nearby, the stoutland enjoys the light wind drifting through its hair.

illeana can't help the slight rush of heat that pools at her cheeks. something about the concept of getting busier is both terrifying and exciting all at once. it isn't surprising, sure, but part of her almost feels as though she might be biting off more than she can chew. a swallow bobs in her throat and she's flashing a gentle smile. "busy can be good sometimes," she muses. "the breakthroughs are worth all the time spent."

and then, dahlia's leaning forward and there's a shift in her gaze. the question that follows catches the woman slightly off guard. she should have expected to be questioned on her intentions, on the motives driving her to take on such a position but... she hadn't necessarily reflected on it much herself. a brief silence exudes from her before she's glancing down toward her hands as they settle into her lap. "well," she begins. "i would like to be able to unearth new discoveries and provide groundwork for trainers to be able to understand the pokemon around them. there's a lot of," a pause, hesitation, "evil in this world but that shouldn't outweigh the wonders. it might not be much but even just shining some light on how incredible the workings of pokemon are is something i hope to be able to accomplish." the rosiness dusting across her face is darker by the time she finishes. she wants to add more but instead she lets out a soft sigh, eyes drifting back toward dahlia. was her explanation enough to give her insight into the scientist's mind? perhaps but part of her wonders if it could have been more, if she could have given an entire speech to be able to be worthy of a title like head scientist.


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the good commissioner
lilycove city
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5'9" height
5'9" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
631 posts
dahlia goode DOLLARS
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dahlia goode
crown shyness [c]
POSTED ON May 8, 2020 23:05:59 GMT
dahlia goode Avatar
 "good answer." her lips sprout into a light grin, but her head seems heavy. "but this isn't a job interview, illeana. you already have the job!"

dahlia laughs, lithe fingers fluttering on her knee. this close, it one can see the nude paint on her nails beginning to chip.

"have you always wanted to be a scientist?" dahlia's stoutland rolls onto its side with a huff. "when i was young, i never expected to fill this seat. i wonder if that's the same for you?"

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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
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illeana reyes
crown shyness [c]
POSTED ON May 11, 2020 22:47:13 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","illie b"]her face radiates warmth, skin flushed hot with embarrassment. it's pleasant, delightful even, to know that dahlia appreciated her answer but she can't shake the feeling that bits and pieces of herself are being put out on display for the woman to see. she chalks it up to nerves, to the notion that she hadn't exactly had an actual interview. perhaps that's all it is, simple and uncomplicated. and perhaps, it's more than that, more than getting to know a new colleague. "right," she breathes out in the form of a soft chuckle. it's tinged with a slight awkwardness she can't seem to shake, can't seem to rid herself of. "i'm sorry! i'm not, um, used to this sort of thing." realistically, she's never been in a position of this caliber. everything has always been for her family's gain, for her parents and their reputation. it's both terrifying and thrilling to be doing something for herself and the region for a change.

bits of awkwardness chip away with the commissioner's laugh, floating away with it on the breeze. she's smiling a little easier now, body slowly easing out of the tension it had managed to coil up in sinews of muscles. her eyes flitter toward chipped nail polish and then back, the movement of fingers dancing against skin keeping her attention for merely a moment. and then, she's drawn back by the question uttered. it holds a weight with it. one that perhaps dahlia doesn't quite understand, one that's not fully drawn out in her file. she shifts in her seat.

"yes," she murmurs. it's a soft admittance, one breathed with a faint air of hesitance. she had wanted to be many things when she was younger. but, as fate would have it, she had been placed into the footsteps of her parents and theirs before them. "being a scientist runs in the reyes family." her smile feels a little more forced than it had before, a little more guarded than it should be. does she err on the side of caution? does she spill secrets out without abandon? dahlia's comments bring her walls down a fraction, just enough for her to feel comfortable with sighing. "i hadn't expected to become a head scientist but my parents raised me with only science in mind. i hadn't known anything else until i left their shadow." and then, she's attempting to shift the spotlight, to cast soft light onto golden hair. "did you have something else in mind for your future when you were a child?"


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the good commissioner
lilycove city
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5'9" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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dahlia goode DOLLARS
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dahlia goode
crown shyness [c]
POSTED ON May 13, 2020 1:29:00 GMT
dahlia goode Avatar

she thinks, tapping the center of her chin. within an eternal memory, thousands of books gasp in unison. sepia days rush in like a tide, bringing with it, the dust of antique library desks. did she have anything else in mind for her future?

perhaps. but dahlia allowed the ebb and flow of life to take her. to drop her off in some barnacled tidepool. the brine of the nearby sea is carried on evergrande winds as she returns quickly.

"when i was younger, i wanted to be a pokemon champion. didn't we all?" she volleys back, deflecting the sunlight with her falling hand. "if you didn't have science, what would you be doing? i can't imagine what i'd do in my case... maybe we should switch jobs for a day."

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played by


illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
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illeana reyes
crown shyness [c]
POSTED ON May 14, 2020 1:40:28 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","illie b"]the scientist's charizard spreads himself out a little further across the patio. he shifts slightly, another huff of hot air escaping. relaxation settles over him with a warmth he beckons closer. sleep is close at hand and with sunshine beating down onto his back, he will be drifting off into pleasant dreams within moments.

illeana flashes a soft, almost welcoming, smile toward the commissioner. there's something so innocent about being young with your whole future ahead of you. it breeds some of the greatest aspirations. and yet, it also brings with it the crushing weight of reality upon shoulders too young to understand that some things aren't possible. she had wanted to be a princess once. and then reality knocked upon her door with the notion that she's only destined to follow in her parent's footsteps. nothing more, nothing less.

"the title of champion seems to be a shared dream for many," she chuckles. truthfully, it had never crossed her mind but... she acquaints that to her upbringing. battle has never been a focus. she has other skills beneath her belt, mostly related to her profession but one sticks out as the sore thumb. bojutsu training had seemed impractical all those years ago but perhaps in the end, it'll come in handy some day. "i don't know, if i'm being honest," she sighs. the shift in light almost feels too warm, too overwhelming in some aspect she can't grasp. maybe it's the notion that no one has ever been this interested in her before. and perhaps, it's nothing more than the simple fact that she's uncomfortable in the center of a stage. "i never thought that i'd have anything else but science, you know? it didn't seem plausible. maybe something with writing?" a laugh follows and she's leaning slightly closer, lips spreading into a grin. "that'd be interesting to do! the job of a commissioner must be quite exciting. do you enjoy it?"


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the good commissioner
lilycove city
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5'9" height
5'9" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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dahlia goode DOLLARS
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dahlia goode
crown shyness [c]
POSTED ON May 16, 2020 0:55:44 GMT
dahlia goode Avatar
 "exciting in some ways. you could say that." dahlia readjusts her seat, lifting herself briefly by her palms. "a lot of paperwork. paperclips. paper cuts."

carefully, she clips each item with the quiet omissions of abductions and paranoia. those stay hidden within the dark of printer ink periods.

"were your parents writers then?" dahlia asks. "you could still do writing on the side, illeana. slip in a poem between all your lab reports."

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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
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illeana reyes
crown shyness [c]
POSTED ON May 18, 2020 23:51:45 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","illie b"]laughter escapes her as easily as a breath. her smile widens to match the amusement. paperwork, tons and tons of paperwork. exciting for some, perhaps, but not exactly her cup of tea. "all that paperwork must get tiresome after a while," she comments, shifting to cross one leg over the other. "after the first paper cut, i would've just said screw the paperwork." her body shakes slightly with mild mirth.

of course, she's certain the woman's title comes with more than just endless reports but don't they all? each position within the league holds some sort of duties kept hidden behind the scenes. part of her wonders what hers will entail...

the shake of a head comes next, followed by another giggle. "oh, god no," she tries to hide the smirk as it comes. it still shows slightly upon her lips but quickly morphs away. "they're scientists as well. it runs in the bloodline, i suppose." and they would never let her forget that. the rosiness of her cheeks deepens, perhaps for the hundredth time since being in dahlia's presence, and she's waving a hand as if the concept of her doing anything other than experiments is a child's dream. "i don't think i'll have the time to write much," she murmurs. and then, she's leaning slightly across the table, smile growing. "if you'd like to receive some poems with my reports, however, i could certainly arrange that!" they wouldn't be very good but it's the thought that counts.


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